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The place Tai Pei is most often eaten? The couch.
Make the couch synonymous with Tai Pei.
Having a couch as a best friend is a little weird...
...and just as weird in pre-roll
but people connected with the idea
and we hoped Tai Pei would mean something to others.

OKC ADDYs Student Gold - Integrated Consumer Campaign

OKC ADDYs Student Bronze - Copywriting for "Melting Pot"

Here's some other cool stuff we made.

Branded Content:

...with AirBnB, Buzzfeed, and Spotify.

Here's a cool in-store installation with a funny fortune cookie dispenser and clever fortunes.

And some sexy social.

...that people would actually want to follow.

We also made this banner.

Here's the Campaign Book

download here

Art: Alec Plourde, Vanessa Zielinski
Media Plan: Brendan Atencio
Research: Drew Wood
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